Joe Biden Says “Extreme” MAGA Doesn’t Get Women

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Joe Biden said he was going to be a president for all Americans, but all he has shown is contempt for Trump supporters and conservatives in general. In a strange Executive Order signing on Wednesday, he explained why he seemingly hates them. Apparently, they just don’t get women.

According to DailyMail

President Joe Biden on Wednesday attacked ‘extremist’ Republicans who don’t ‘have a clue about the power of women’ as he signed an executive order making it easier for women seeking abortions to travel between states to obtain access to the procedure.

He said he was signing the executive order to respond to the ‘healthcare crisis that has unfolded’ since the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade in June.

And he blasted Republicans for trying to use the ruling to roll back abortion rights throughout the country.

‘Republicans in Congress in the extreme MAGA ideology are determined to go even further – talking about nationwide bans that would outlaw abortion in every state, in every circumstance – going after the broader right to privacy as well,’ Biden said. 

Democrats are hoping to rally the abortion issue can rally their voters to the polls this November amid concerns Republicans will take control of Congress. 

Here he is signing the Executive Order.

And Biden brought up Tuesday’s election in Kansas where voters in the red state rejected – by almost a 20-point margin – a proposed amendment to the state Constitution that would have added language stating that it does not grant the right to abortion.

Abortion rights supporters saw the result as a major victory. 

‘This fight is not over,’ Biden said pointing to as ‘we saw that last night in Kansas.’

He offered the reminder that ‘women are not without electoral or political power.’

And he said the Supreme Court ‘practically dared women in this country to go to the ballot box and restore the right to choose.’ 

Polls show a majority of Americans support abortion rights. A recent Pew poll found that 61% of U.S. adults said abortion should be legal in all or most cases.

‘I believe Roe got it right,’ Biden said. 

Biden may think conservatives don’t understand women, but I know plenty of conservative women out there who would disagree in a heartbeat. When he says it, it just sounds conceded and ignorant. Do you think Joe was ever the lady’s man he imagines himself as?

Joe Biden Says “Extreme” MAGA Doesn’t Get Women

Joel Bailey

Joel Bailey is a social commentator and writer at the Next News Network. He graduated from Fisher College in Boston, Massachusetts and was adopted from Africa. He is proof of the American dream and learned conservative values at a young age.
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