Here’s A Look Back on Biden’s Botched Afghanistan Withdrawal on it’s One Year Anniversary

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Monday, August 15th marks the one year anniversary of the United States withdrawal from Afghanistan. Meanwhile, Biden is winding down his luxury vacation at a beachfront mansion in South Carolina.

According to a release by The White House, Biden has no public events scheduled on the one year anniversary.

As a recap, one year ago, the Taliban took over Afghanistan’s capital of Kabul and other major cities as U.S. troops prepared to withdraw by the end of August 2021 on Biden’s orders. During the withdrawal, thirteen U.S. service members and more than 165 Afghans were killed in a suicide bombing attack near Kabul’s Hamid Karzai International Airport.

President Trump put out a statement on Monday marking the anniversary of the withdrawal, writing on TRUTH, “The Afghanistan disaster of exactly one year ago was the most embarrassing, incompetent, and humiliating event in the history of the United States. Not the fact that we left, I was the one that got our soldier count down to 2 thousand in preparation for leaving, but the way we left, taking the military out first, 13 dead soldiers (with many badly injured), leaving many Americans behind, and giving the enemy over 85 Billion Dollars worth of the best military equipment in the world. So Sad!”

Source: @realDonaldTrump

The withdrawal was executed so bad, that many Obama-Biden administration officials couldn’t resist criticizing it. Here’s a montage created by the GOP of the Obama-Biden officials during different media appearances analyzing the withdrawal last year.

On Monday, even CNN reported on the “chaotic, “eerie,” and “stunning” moments from the withdrawal.

Within the year since the withdrawal, Biden has refused to hold anyone accountable for the complete disaster.

Here’s A Look Back on Biden’s Botched Afghanistan Withdrawal on it’s One Year Anniversary

Kaitlin Housler

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