2024 BOMBSHELL: Democrat Rep. SLIPS, Reveals The Truth About Biden Running For Re-Election

2024 BOMBSHELL: Democrat Rep. SLIPS, Reveals The Truth About Biden Running For Re-Election
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This report is something you will want to share far and wide. HUGE NEWS. During an interview with the New York Times, a Democrat Congresswoman thought she was off the record. She let something slip that she probably shouldn’t have. The revelations she made are now part of the public record and cannot be undone. The only thing we can do now is watch the sharks circle and Biden’s people try to put out the fire.

In a stunning revelation, Democratic Rep. Carolyn Maloney has just revealed that President Joe Biden is NOT running for re-election in 2024. The truth is Politicians make mistakes like this all the time but this one is so big it will have devastating consequences that will rock DC to its core.

Western journal writes. The New York Times’ editorial board asked Democratic Rep. Carolyn Maloney of New York whether Biden should run for president again in 2024 in an interview published on Saturday. Maloney responded,“Off the record, he’s not running again,” 

An editorial board member informed Maloney that she was not off the record. The Times published Maloney’s entire interview, even though she apparently thought the answer could remain confidential.

Maloney’s belief that declaring “off the record” prevents the interviewer from publishing the answer is false. In journalism, both the interviewer and the interviewee have to agree to the comments being made “off the record.” The interviewer may publish the answers unless they agree to the same terms.

Let’s watch her try to walk it back.

A vast majority of Americans do not approve of Joe Biden, and believe he should not run again.

Next News Network reported. A new poll reveals how bad his chances are for a second term. 64 percent of Democrats oppose Biden’s bid for president in 2024 according to the New York Times/Siena College poll.

It’s either Joe Biden doesn’t read polls, ignores them, or just doesn’t care, since he continues to claim he will run in 2024.

And now we know why he doesn’t care. Because he ISN’T RUNNING.
There is no question that this is devastating for the Democratic party and Joe Biden’s entire administration. They are going to quietly try to sweep this under the rug. That is why this video needs to be sent to every corner of the nation. And I need your help, Donald Trump needs your help to do that.

JOE ISN’T RUNNING IN 2024 and that isn’t Off-The Record.

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