Heartbreaking: 2 Kids Now DEAD Because of Joe Biden’s Border Abandonment Policy

Heartbreaking: 2 Kids Now DEAD Because of Joe Biden's Border Abandonment Policy
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This is absolutely heartbreaking. 2 kids are dead because of Joe Biden’s policy to not stem the flow of migrant children at the border, and he doesn’t even seem to care. What kind of a man does this?

It’s hard to believe that we are even having this conversation, but TWO more children have died as a direct result of Biden’s border abandonment policy. This is a policy that allows thousands of children to cross the Mexican border without any adult supervision, and it has already had deadly consequences. But apparently, the Biden administration doesn’t care, because they have shown no interest in correcting this deadly policy. It’s clear that Biden only cares about their own political agenda, and not the safety of children. We must demand that they correct this reckless policy now!

Fox news reports. On Monday, authorities recovered the bodies of three children from the Rio Grande in two separate incidents. The first occurred on Monday afternoon. A group of migrants brought across a 3-year-old boy and 2-month-old baby from the river, according to Eagle Pass Fire Department chief Manuel Mello. CPR was administered, but it was too late for the toddler. He was pronounced dead at the scene. As a result, the baby was rushed to a hospital in nearby San Antonio, where he remains in critical condition. The second tragic death occurred when a mother crossing the Rio Grande had her infant daughter ripped from her arms by the current, and was found lifeless near binational marker 30.

These tragedies could have been avoided, if Joe Biden fulfilled his lawful duties to secure the border.

Next News Network previously reported. Former Director of Immigration and Customs Enforcement Tom Homan ripped into the utter disaster at the southern border on Fox News, describing the massive number of criminals crossing the border and the fact that despite this massive number of border crossers, only a handful of even the most dangerous criminals have been arrested.

Joe Biden has failed Americans with his open border policy. He has allowed criminals and drugs to flood into our country, putting the safety of American citizens at risk. This is not only a failure of leadership but also a moral failing on the part of Mr. Biden. We must demand that our leaders put the safety of American citizens first and secure our borders.

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