The Reason Biden rejected US Ally’s EMERGENCY Phone Call Will Make You EMBARRASSED To Be An American

The Reason Biden rejected US Ally’s EMERGENCY Phone Call Will Make You EMBARRASSED To Be An American
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If the President is going to turn down an emergency call with a world power then it must be for something important right? Maybe for most Presidents, but not Joe Biden. He just turned down an important call from an important leader and his excuse is embarrassing.

Joe Biden is out again!

Trending Politics reports, Israeli media revealed that Israeli Prime Minister Yair Lapid asked Brandon for an emergency call to discuss the United States’ nuclear deal with Iran, but was told he was ‘on vacation’.

Lapid is concerned about the US rejoining the JCPOA, originally negotiated during Barack Obama’s presidency and canceled by Donald Trump. Iran has stated that it will use any weapon it can get its hands on to attack Israel and “erase it from the map” if it becomes a nuclear power. Israel is doing everything it can to prevent this from happening. Yair Lapid spoke about the developments during a briefing yesterday.

Courtesy of Israel PM via

It’s not just Brandon who gave Israel the cold shoulder in the current administration.

It was planned that U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin would meet with Israeli Defense Minister Benny Gantz on Thursday, but Gantz was informed at the last minute that Austin was “out of Washington” and wouldn’t be available.

According to Israeli officials, the proposed new nuclear deal between the United States and Israel is concerning and hypocritical, since it allows Iran to become a nuclear power, something Brandon said he would never do. As Lapid himself pointed out, Sleepy Joe violated his own promises:

Lapid said in a statement, “In our eyes, it does not meet the standards set by President Biden himself: preventing Iran from becoming a nuclear state,” “We have made it clear to everyone: if a deal is signed, it does not obligate Israel. We will act to prevent Iran from becoming a nuclear state.”

Even former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu weighed in, declaring the new proposed deal “even worse than the first one.”

As reported by Fox News, Netanyahu said that the deal will be “a threat to the peace of the world”:

He continued saying, “If Iran has nuclear weapons, they don’t merely threaten my country, Israel, or the entire Middle East and America’s allies. They threaten you directly because simultaneously with developing nuclear weapons, they are developing the means to deliver them across continents. So, you can have Iran governed by these fanatic ayatollahs who will hold every American citizen hostage to nuclear weapons. I think this is a threat to the peace of the world, and that’s what this horrible deal facilitates.”

Israel does see a little light at the end of the proverbial tunnel, as Lapid revealed that the United States incorporated some non-negotiable items Israel requested into the drafts, so it appears that the United States and Israel will continue to speak.

Brandon’s decision to take another “vacation” rather than show leadership is another characterization of his questionably-obtained first term. While refusing to secure the southern border, he ignores key issues under the president’s purview and this is just another example in a laundry list of his failures.

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