Kamala Harris is finding herself in some hot water as one of the people she helped bail out of jail just committed a heinous crime.
Remember when Kamala Harris helped raise bail money, and then helped bail out all of the looters and rioters in 2020? Now one of the people she helped bail out of jail is being charged with murder.
A Minnesota bail fund championed by Vice President Kamala Harris helped free a repeat felon now facing murder charges.
On Thursday, the Minnesota Freedom Fund acknowledged it helped secure the release of Shawn Michael Tillman, who shot and killed a passenger on a rail platform in St. Paul in May. During the George Floyd riots in 2020, Harris promoted the Freedom Fund on Twitter, helping the group raise $35 million in a matter of weeks.
Freedom Fund executive directors Mirella Ceja-Orozco and Elizer Darris stood by the group’s decision to post Tillman’s bail in a statement Thursday, saying, “It is neither just nor effective to respond to violence by denying bail and preemptively punishing people who are disproportionately poor, Black, brown, and Indigenous.”
Tillman had previously been in trouble with the law before being bailed out by the Freedom fund.

Free Beacon writes. Tillman was convicted of indecent exposure in the presence of a minor in November 2018. Previously, he had been convicted of seven counts of indecent exposure. Darris and Ceja-Orozco said convictions play a role in their decision to fund criminals. No past convictions of Tillman were listed.
The Freedom Fund has bailed out many people who have committed murder after being bailed out. Tillman is not the first. Last year, the group helped free a man charged with domestic abuse. A few weeks later, he murdered another man in a road rage incident, the Free Beacon reported.
Additionally, the group paid $75,000 to release Jaleel Stallings, who shot at police during the Floyd riots in May 2020.
Kamala Harris does not support law and order, she supports chaos. America does not need a Vice President who is a proponent of murders and criminals.