You know it has to be bad if even Democrats are backing away from a candidate, in New York they have every excuse to do so.
Kathy Hochul is one of the most extreme liberal governors in the United States. Her radical views on abortion, polciing and hatred for the right are beyond the pale. So much so, that in fact Democrats are coming out against her.
Town Hall reports. On Monday night, John Orlando, the president of the New Era Democrats highlighted how Hochul is “too extreme.” In a press conference he held earlier that day, Orlando said, “We have a Democratic machine that has gone way too left for even moderate Democrats.” He also warned that “Governor Hochul does not see what’s in front of her.” A change is needed and public safety should be put first.” The group is based in Brooklyn, a heavily Democratic borough, and has endorsed candidates including Mayor Bill de Blasio and Andrew Yang.
Zeldin also has the endorsement of former Bronx Democratic politicians, including the Reverend Rubén Daz, Sr. Díaz is quoted as saying. “Lee is my candidate. He’s against crime. Hochul’s for crime. She refused to make any major changes to the bail law,”
Kathy Hochuk is pretty extreme when it comes to her stances on those in opposing political parties.

Next News Network reported. First, it was Joe Biden calling MAGA Republicans, “semi-facist”. Now, New York Governor Kathy Hochul is sparking intense backlash after going after Republican voters with an equally vicious attack.
NY Governor Kathy Hochul attacked New York Republican candidates and GOP voters during a recent speech, telling them to “get out of town” and “head to Florida” where they belong.
People are elected to office to represent 100% of their electorate. We live in a Constitutional Republic, where everyone’s voice needs to be heard regardless of party. When you have elected officials ignoring, and demeaning those of them with opposite political views it is time for them to go.