Newsom Declares War on Republicans with Governor’s Appointment of Hate Commission Chair

Newsom Declares War on Republicans with Governor's Appointment of Hate Commission Chair
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It’s no secret that Democrats are after our free speech. They’ve ramped up their rhetoric against the right and are trying to silence us by calling our ideas and words – hate speech. This push reached a new milestone after a Democrat Governor just announced his plan to tackle this so-called hate speech.

This news should concern all Conservative Californians 

Front Page Magazine Reports. California governor Gavin Newsom signed a bill into law that would force companies to report on their dealings with what the leftist supermajority calls “hate speech” and “disinformation”..

According to Newsom’s office, the commission will “assess data on hate crimes in California, provide resources for victims, and make policy recommendations to better protect civil rights.”  

On Tuesday, Governor Gavin Newsom announced five appointments to his new Commission on the State of Hate, sending mixed messages to conservatives.

The commission includes Brian Levin, a former SPLC staffer that the Freedom Center had its own run-in with. Other members include, “Cynthia Choi, a co-director of Chinese for Affirmative Action and co-founder of Stop Asian-American Pacific Islander Hate; Bamby Salcedo, a transgender activist and president and CEO of the TransLatin@ Coalition; Shirin Sinnar, a professor at Stanford Law School; and Erroll G. Southers, associate senior vice president of safety and risk assurance at the University of Southern California.” These appointments do not have a track record of being impartial.

Choi falsely blamed President Trump for Asian attacks.

Southers was a controversial figure whose nomination by Obama to head the TSA had to be revoked.

Southers also received a reprimand for running a background check on his then-estranged wife’s boyfriend two decades ago. 

The Daily Signal reports. Earlier this month, Southers wrote lawmakers acknowledging that he had given inconsistent answers to Congress. He also recently went on MSNBC to discuss hate speech and referred to Republicans as Domestic Terrorists.

This is what Newsom’s extreme Commission on the State of Hate looks like. And you can imagine what its recommendations will be.

California is just the beginning and Newsom is leading the State of Hate. The commission’s goal is to help all Californians, but Newsom has nominated all Democrats and activists – without one Republican – to serve on it. For Republicans, this won’t end well.

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