The World Bank is admitting that a digital identity isn’t enough. They’re now saying that we need to give up our personal data in order to combat fraud and corruption.
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This is a shocking admission from the World Bank. For years, they’ve been telling us that we need digital identity in order to provide “better services.” But now they’re saying that we need to give up our data in order to combat fraud and corruption. This just goes to show that they can’t be trusted and that we need to be careful about who we trust with our information.
Singapore has taken several “advanced” and even “avant-garde” approaches to developing and harnessing biometric technology for improved surveillance of its citizens. Now, The World Bank (WB) seems to be eager to learn from it and share it with the world.
Reclaim the Net writes, Singapore is developing and utilizing biometric technology for improved mass surveillance of the population through “advanced and even avant-garde” methods

Singpass, a digital identity for citizens’ transaction needs “in everyday life”, and MyInfo, a Singpass feature that shares user data via the scheme as well as via organizations, have been the focus of a case study developed by the World Bank and Government Technology Agency (GovTech) of Singapore.
To see if Singpass can be brought to other countries and if their governments can model their own digital ID schemes after it, Singapore and the World Bank worked together to produce a study lauding it as a success, “National Digital Identity and Government Data Sharing in Singapore.”
Even more ambitious is the goal. According to the WB, “identity interoperability” among countries would be a welcome step forward, though the international financial behemoth admits that Singapore, with its extremely high adoption rate of Singpass, is not a typical country out there – which means there is little chance it will happen elsewhere anytime soon.
Despite that fact, yesterday, Deutsche Bank published a video to their youtube channel promoting the Singpass service to Germans, indicating the push to take this beyond Singapore has already begun.
Biometric Update reports, while Singapore Government Chief Digital Technology Officer Cheow Hoe Chan presented the research collaboration with the WB, he noted that Singapore ran into some snags in developing digital identity services, which required an API gateway. “We don’t make money and we’re not afraid to share,” he said.
According to Adam Cooper, World Bank consultant, digital identity is “not enough” even though it is “great.”
In addition, Cooper praised Singapore’s strategy and the government’s willingness to “put the Smart Nation Initiative into action.”
The World Bank’s pursuit of a digital ID is deeply disturbing. In their own words, they want to use this technology to “make life easier”. But at what cost? By having access to our biometric data, the World Bank gains the power to track and monitor the entire population. This is 1984 in full force – a godless global entity using technology for total control over its citizens. And just think about who we’re giving this power to – a globalist organization that has already demonstrated their disregard for national sovereignty and individual rights. Do we really want them controlling every aspect of our lives? We must resist the call for a digital ID and safeguard our privacy before it’s too late.
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