YES!!! Georgia’s Tight Senate Battle Has A New Leader

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Georgia is in the middle of a tight senate race, and Herschel Walker is leading the pack.

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I don’t know about you, but I’m not surprised at all that Herschel Walker is in the lead for the Georgia Senate race. He’s always been a fighter, and I think he’s going to win this one hands down.

Breitbart reports. A poll published Tuesday shows Republican Herschel Walker leading incumbent Sen. Raphael Warnock (D-GA) by two points. Walker received 49 percent of the vote, Warnock 47 percent, and third-party candidate Chase Oliver 5 percent, according to a poll taken by Trafalgar Group and Daily Wire. Earlier this month, left-leaning media ramped up attacks on Walker related to his personal life, and this is the first poll to show Walker ahead of Warnock.

The poll also comes after Warnock admitted that he had done something horrible to his churches tennants. 


It appears that truth has consequences for Democrats who spend most of their time lying. 

Red state previously reported. In an ad reported on in September Herschel Walker laid waste to the narrative put out by Raphael Warnock. Warnock has spent a majority of his time race baiting, and blaming all of the trouble in the state on Republicans.


Georgians are waking up to the truth, they are looking past the lies and hatred spread by Raphael Warnock. The Herschel Walker race is the key to regaining the Republican majority in the house, and the Democrats are in full panic mode. They even went as far to attack a Republican’s family, yet again to achieve their goal. There is no honor left in the Democrat party. After Republicans sweep the midterm elections we need a leader like Trump back in the White House, ten we can fully begin bringing back America to her greatness. 

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