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You know the ship is sinking when the former White house spin master comes out and says that the Democrats will fail miserably in the midterms.

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Things have to be bad when even Jen Psaki admits a problem. She spent over a year lying for the Biden administration about nearly everything she could, so when she even comes close to admitting the truth, you know its gonna be bad.

Daily Caller reports. As Democrats prepare for the midterm elections, former White House press secretary Jen Psaki said on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” that they are “kind of worried.”

According to polls, voters are increasingly concerned about the economy, and they trust Republicans more than Democrats to handle the situation. According to a Morning Consult/Politico poll, 93% of voters are concerned about inflation, with three out of four Democrats saying the economy will affect their voting decision. 46% of voters trust Republicans in Congress to handle inflation, while 37% trust Democrats.

Psaki expressed concern Friday about how these polls could affect the midterms.


The alarm bell from Psaki comes after another major liberal cited that the Dems will lose big this November.

According to the American outlook. In an opinion piece for the Wall Street Journal, a Democrat pollster is predicting a huge red wave will sweep America this November. 

Doug Schoen writes in his piece, “The Republican Party is on the cusp of a substantial midterm election victory that could rival their wins in 1994 and 2010.”


Schoen continued, writing, based on the RealClearPolitics average, Republicans have gained 3 points in generic-ballot polling over the last month. Republicans were up 1.8 points as of Monday, compared with 1.3 points for Democrats in September.

He also cited ABC News/Washington Post polls showing that Republicans hold the advantage where it’s most needed. Among likely voters nationwide, the GOP led by five points, but by 21 points in “competitive” congressional districts. In other battleground-district polls, CBS News, Economist/YouGov and CNN, the GOP had a much narrower lead, but one that remained consistent

Oh yes the temperature is being turned up to 100 ahead of the midterms this election cycle. Now that almost every major talking head is warning of a massive red surge this November it almost seems inevitable that Republicans will be sweeping elections across the board. But do not let their certainty cause you to become complacent, it will take everyone working together to make sure that the red wave actually happens. Get out and vote, get your friends and family to vote. Lets win this together. 

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