Things took a turn for the worse in Nantucket where Joe Biden was recently caught peeping on kids through a window. His Secret Service vehicles BURST INTO FLAMES.
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Just one day after President Joe Biden left his Nantucket vacation, five of the Secret Service vehicles that were rented to carry him and his family BURST INTO FLAMES in a parking lot. The Secret Service rented the vehicles from Hertz, and all of them caught fire in the parking lot, according to footage first obtained by the Nantucket Current.
Luckily, no one was injured in the fire, but it could have easily turned deadly. This incident has many people wondering if it was a failed assassination attempt, a sign from God, or just Dumb Luck. We have the details.
FOX NEWS Reports, on video, firefighters spray down smoldering remains of a vehicle’s engine block. Chevy Suburban, Ford Explorer, Infiniti QX80, Ford Expedition, and Jeep Gladiator were among the five vehicles.
It is reported that the blaze spread to just 40 feet away from the jet fuel tanks at the Nantucket airport where the vehicles were parked.
The cause of the fire is unknown at this time. The White House did not immediately respond to Fox News’ request for information.
The fire was just 40 feet away from the airport’s 25,000-gallon jet fuel tanks
— Nantucket Current (@ACKCurrent) November 28, 2022

The airport said in a statement to the Current, “At approximately 5:22 am Airport shift staff observed an active fire in the rental car overflow area through the Airport’s Closed Circuit Television System. Staff activated the Alert system and responded to the fire in Airport-3, where they were met by responding units from Nantucket Fire Department and Nantucket Police Department.”
BRIDGE. During the Nantucket weekend, Biden celebrated the holiday with his family and told reporters they were not discussing running for president, but he did have time to peep on some kids.

Over Thanksgiving weekend, President Biden and his family visited Nantucket, while there cameras captured him peeping into a restaurant’s window where children were safely secured behind the glass

It seems strange that these Biden moments involve children.
Here’s the moment captured on camera. Glass separated the children from the “Sniffer-in-Chief”
Whether the Secret Service vehicles bursting into flames was a failed assassination attempt on Joe Biden, a sign from God, or just dumb luck is unclear. It is clear, however, that it could have killed Joe Biden. As a known sniffer of children, Biden was recently caught peeping through a window on Nantucket. Just one day after he left Nantucket, the Secret Service vehicles burst into flames. Perhaps God was telling Joe Biden to stop sniffing children. A failed assassination attempt is also possible. There is also the possibility that it was just dumb luck. It is a good thing that Joe Biden wasn’t in the vehicles at the time and no one was injured. However, this event has raised many questions and left people wondering what really happened.
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