Biden’s Press Sec SILENT after Reporter Challenges White House to Delete its Twitter Account

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With the White House being concerned over the new policies of Twitter, a reporter posed the ultimate challenge to the White House this week, which was: “why not just delete the White House account?” The simple question had Biden’s press secretary baffled, and her response was absolutely shocking. 

Peter Doocy of Fox News asked White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre when they intend to delete the White House’s Twitter account due to their concerns about misinformation and hate speech on the platform.

During Monday’s briefing, the press secretary said the White House is “monitoring” Twitter since CEO Elon Musk took over. Former President Donald Trump and Kanye “Ye” West’s suspended accounts were reinstated, causing concern in the White House.

The press secretary said the White House monitors Twitter because it is prominent in the news. Doocy continued to press her on “monitoring” the platform, asking if the White House would try to shut it down for a post it doesn’t like. The press secretary did not give a straight answer.

It’s no secret that the Biden administration isn’t the biggest fan of Elon Musk.

Last month during a press conference, Joe Biden said that Musk’s relationships with foreign governments were worth investigating following his acquisition of Twitter.

It’s no secret that the Biden administration isn’t the biggest fan of Elon Musk or free speech. The democrats hate free speech. So when Peter Doocy challenged the White House this week, asking why they don’t just delete their Twitter account, it’s no surprise that Biden’s press secretary was stumped. The press secretary said the White House monitors Twitter because it is prominent in the news, but we all know what that means. The White House doesn’t want to delete its Twitter account because it knows that if it did, the liberals who did decide to stay on the platform wouldn’t get the misleading information from the official government account glorifying all of the “great things” Joe Biden is doing as President. 

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