BREAKING: Half-a-Million Residents EVACUATE Top Liberal Strongholds DEVASTATING New Data Shows

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American’s are fleeing woke-virus-infected liberal strongholds in droves. The news broke that the two states hit hardest by liberal policies and principles, California and New York, have both lost over half a million residents since April 2020! 

It’s the woke epidemic! California and New York are both facing record-breaking population decline, as more and more people vote with their feet and flee the states for greener pastures. With housing prices skyrocketing, huge tax bills to pay, rampant crime rates, and relentlessly woke policies becoming the norm – exodus from Democrat strongholds has overwhelmed all other metrics. The only remedy appears to be an evacuation because as Donald Trump says, “everything woke turns to shit!” In this time period, Texas and Florida have gained the most new residents – leaving many questioning whether these states have finally found solutions for the woke-epidemic that plagues their liberal counterparts.

As California and New York have seen more than 500,000 residents depart since April 2020, FOX Business’ Cheryl Casone speaks with Suffolk Community College’s Nicholas Giordano and Republican strategist Jonathan Madison about the blue state exodus.

Residents of both California and New York are seeing the writing on the wall as rents continue to skyrocket in Manhattan and crime surges remain unabated.

Consequently, the populations of both states have been in decline due to their ongoing housing affordability crisis, evidenced by New York State alone having lost over 500,000 residents, now totaling 19,677,151 — and that was just through July 2022. Similarly, California has seen a dip of slightly more than 508,000 people since 2020. Residents are evacuating and no holds are barred as H.D. Palmer from the California Department of Finance confirms what everyone already knows – times are tough and it’s only getting tougher for anyone aspiring to put down roots in either state.

Residents are flocking to Texas and Florida due to woke liberal policies. The Lone Star State has gained close to 900,000 new Texans since 2020 while Florida has just over 700,000 new official residents – a population increase of nearly 2 percent. Kristie Wilder from the Census Bureau stated that this was the first time since 1957 that Florida had seen such rapid population growth. Residents are looking for greener pastures in newly opened or expanding communities in both states allowing for an overall population increase throughout the region making them two of the most popular states for Americans.

It is clear that woke policies have had a devastating effect on states hailed as liberal strongholds. As criminal activity, increasing tax bills, and skyrocketing housing prices become the everyday reality for residents of California and New York, more than half a million individuals are opting to evacuate in an attempt to escape their current conditions. This exodus has lead to record-breaking population declines within both states while conversely creating population growth booms in states like Florida and Texas which have seen relatively little impact from woke agendas. Though many are struggling to reconcile the effects that their leaving may bring, it appears that in order to maintain some semblance of stability and freedom, evacuation may be the only choice.

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