Matt Gaetz has ignited a flame under one of the most respected Representatives in politics, aiming to convince him to enter the race for Speaker of the House. The question is, will this representative answer Gaetz urgent calls? Or does he have other plans for himself in this new republican congress.
A challenge to the current House speaker Kevin McCarthy is looming as Matt Gaetz has expressed his support for Ohio’s own Jim Jordan to take on the position. The fact that Gaetz, is unapologetically advocating for another Republican from across the isle rather than MCcarthy is indicative of how highly he thinks of Jordan. Jordan has been a man of the people for the Republican party and now more than ever does the party need a man like that. Jordan has certainly shown bravery and guts, qualities indicative of a great leader.
The New York Post reports Rep. Matt Gaetz, one of a handful of Republicans opposed to House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy becoming speaker next week, publicly urged Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) to run.
Gaetz is among the House Freedom Caucus members who voted against McCarthy’s initial nomination.

Which came to no one’s surprise when Gaetz took to social media on Christmas Eve to let the world know that, “All I want for Christmas is @Jim_Jordan to realize he should be Speaker of the House!”
The tweet took the Twitter-squere by storm and received 2 million views. Stirring up a lot of conversation among the conservative movement.

He followed up with another tweet on Christmas Day. “Merry Christmas to all! Make sure to join me in encouraging @Jim_Jordan to seek the Speakership :).”
McCarthy (R-Calif.) is lobbying his Republican colleagues to vote for him when the full House votes for its next speaker on Jan. 3.
In the Nov. 8 midterm elections, the GOP only won a small majority in the House, and McCarthy, who is already facing off against Rep. Andy Biggs (R-Ariz.), cannot afford to lose any more votes.
Jordan, a member of the House Freedom Caucus who is on track to become chairman of the House Judiciary Committee in the next Congress, praised McCarthy’s leadership, saying he “has kept our team together.”
Moreover, Jordan has not made any public indication of his interest in speaking.
The question of whether Matt Gaetz is right in suggesting Jim Jordan as the next speaker of the House is up for debate. Jordan has distinguished himself repeatedly as an effective, sometimes uncompromising conservative Congressman, and it is easy to understand why people like Gaetz view him as the perfect man for the job. However, one thing that often gets overlooked is Jordan’s stated reluctance to serve in that role – he expressed no interest for the position – which might be exactly why he would make a great speaker. Whatever happens and regardless of his ambition, we are fortunate to have someone with Jordan’s ethic in such a powerful position. While it may be too late to convince him, it is certainly a fun thought.
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