Ellen Degeneres is blaming humans for creating an atmospheric river that has dumped billions of gallons of water onto California, the same as it has done every couple hundred years since time began.
It’s not uncommon for the earth to throw us curveballs from time to time, and the weather can be tricky at times. Liberals claim climate change is accelerating a historical event that happens by clockwork every couple hundred years, and it is carbon’s fault that the atmospheric river is engulfing California right now.
Daily wire reports. A torrent of rain is deluging Southern California due to heavy rainstorms caused by human activity, according to TV personality Ellen DeGeneres.
As a flash flood surged through the area just behind her, DeGeneres spoke of her home in celebrity-laden Montecito while referencing the January 9, 2018 mudslides that plunged down from the nearby Santa Ynez mountains and through Montecito, causing 23 deaths and destroying over 100 homes. Before the torrential rains, the Thomas Fire had ravaged the area and caused mudslides.
.@EllenDeGeneres on heavy rain in California: "We need to be nicer to Mother Nature because Mother Nature is not happy with us. Adults, do our part. Stay safe, everybody." pic.twitter.com/zT2bZsqxu2
— Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) January 10, 2023
Atmospheric rivers are nothing new to science as they have been occurring for milenia.
Scientific American writes. On Christmas Eve in 1861, intense rainstorms swept in from the Pacific Ocean and continued virtually unabated for 43 days. Rivers running down from the Sierra Nevada mountains along the state’s eastern border were transformed into raging torrents by the deluges. Rivers and rains poured into the vast Central Valley of the state, creating an inland sea 300 miles long and 20 miles wide. One quarter of the state’s 800,000 cattle drowned, and thousands of people died. Due to the steep slopes of the region, downtown Sacramento was submerged under 10 feet of brown water filled with debris from numerous mudslides. California’s legislature, unable to function, moved to San Francisco until Sacramento dried out—six months later.
More atmospheric rivers are predicted in the coming days, raising fears of flash floods across California—and of catastrophic mud and debris flows where recent wildfires have created 21 burn scars around the state. Its governor Gavin Newsom declared a state of emergency on January 4, and the White House issued a presidential emergency declaration for California on January 8.
So global warming was not a factor in the 1861 atmospheric river deluge that literally turned the San Francisco bay into freshwater. But if the current storm system is anything close to the 1861 storms that occurred, California is in for some serious trouble. As they still do not have the infrastructure necessary to handle that amount of rainfall, and there will be some major issues facing people, and the government, with little access to necessary infrastructure to handle these trillions of gallons of water coming. We pray that the current storms are less than what they were before, and we begin to build the necessary levies, dams, and other necessities to prevent future catastrophes.
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