Americans have expressed their genuine discontent with this government agency in countless polls taken over the years. This latest poll, however, really speaks volumes to just how displeased the public truly is – and for good reason. If it weren’t for this specific agency, many of us would be reaping significant luxuries that don’t come with its existence.
With so many Americans already struggling and living paycheck to paycheck, it’s no surprise that Congress’s proposal to hire additional IRS agents was met with disapproval. The survey found that over four in ten Americans who heard of the proposal didn’t support it which further emphasizes how important financial security is – not just to individuals, but society as whole. Instead of using precious funds to hire new agents, Congress would be wise to focus its attention on finding ways to benefit those who are struggling and need assistance during this difficult economy. But why would democrats do that?
Breitbart reports, According to a Rasmussen Reports survey released Tuesday, most Americans favor repealing funding for new IRS agents.
As part of the $700 billion “Inflation Reduction Act” passed in August 2022, Congress passed legislation to hire 87,000 new IRS agents. The survey found over four in ten Americans disapprove.
As Breitbart News described, the monstrous measure would do little to reduce inflation while spending billions on climate change initiatives and growing the IRS. As a result, it would be larger than the Pentagon, State Department, FBI, and Border Patrol combined.
Per the survey, Republicans are the most likely to disapprove of hiring thousands of new IRS agents — 62 percent — followed by 52 percent of independents and just 16 percent of Democrats who disapprove as well.
In response to a question regarding the Republican-led House’s decision to stop funding new IRS agents, 56 percent said they were in favor. Among them, 40 percent are “strongly” in favor.
Republicans, Democrats, and independents seem to support the GOP-led House’s action, as 64 percent agree with it, 52 percent disagree, and 52 percent are undecided.
A survey of 900 likely U.S. voters was conducted between January 10-12, 2022.

It comes one week after House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) touted the action — voting to repeal the billions Democrats desire to spend on expanding the IRS — as the “very first act of the new Congress,” as promised.

That action was also included in McCarthy’s list of accomplishments made by the GOP-led House in just a few days.
McCarthy said, “That’s just the first five days, and we’re just getting started. We made a commitment to America. We’re gonna keep that.”
For many Americans, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) elicits an almost immediate and intense loathing. We despise having to scrounge up hard-earned money and fill out tedious forms, feel that they are taken advantage of and penalized for relatively minor errors. In an instant, most people would embrace the idea of abolishing the IRS; considering the current state of affairs in our government, heavy cuts to federal agencies should start with this one. People don’t work grueling hours to have more government interference hovering over their heads. Abolishing the IRS altogether would certainly make the people’s lives far better, but will that heroic day ever come? No! We can only dream of such a miracle because that’s what it would take. Right now we will settle with repealing with 87,000 new agents.
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