‘Serial Killer Lookalike’ LEFTIST gets DESTROYED by Don Jr-CRAZY VIDEO!!-WATCH

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Don Jr has revealed an insane video that exposes the demented, parallel universe the Leftists inhabit. Watching leftists on video is its own sort of surreal pleasure, but this one reaches a whole new level – their passion and commitment to the gender equality cause has no boundaries. In it you can almost see the crazy burning in their eyes as they espouse their radical theories on the world and its inhabitants. 

The Australian government has appointed a new ambassador for gender equality who will promote “the women, peace, and security agenda” around the world.

Stephanie Copus-Campbell was appointed to the position in December, despite having no prior experience in public service. In a video announcement she shared on Twitter, Copus-Campbell said she was thrilled to be taking on her new position as a leading international advocate for Australia’s commitment to gender equality and human rights for women and girls.

To watch Don Jr go toe-to-toe with these ‘Equality Gurus’ is its own adventure in hilarity. His pull-no-punches attitude skewers them with logic and reasoning that leaves them shuddering as though doused with ice water. It’s perhaps never been more true than when he takes down one Serial Killer Lookalike who gets, quite literally, WRECKED by his take on Equality. Come take a look at what true equality really looks like – Don Jr will leave you astonished!

The look in her eyes is one that sends chills down my spine, like the mugshots of serial killers endlessly scrolling across our screens. Australia’s newly appointed Ambassador for gender equality has come under scrutiny in recent days as many have expressed concern at her lack of commitment to actually promoting gender equality. Furthermore, her motives in that position seem suspect given that she is not involved in any sort of security or economic benefits for Australia, but instead appears to be appeasing the increasingly radicalized gender activists.

It certainly doesn’t appear that she plans to make an actual effort towards ensuring human rights and protection in regards to women and girls, but only seeks to appease what some may describe as a ‘lynch mob’. Moreover, it seems unlikely that she will take a stand against biological men competing in women’s sports either, outraging many since it could easily compromise fairness and tilt the playing field.

One glance at her and I knew it was trouble. Her eyes spoke a thousand words that none of us wanted to hear. It’s clear she comes from the school of “Woke Ideologies” and whether or not those will work out in the long run only time can tell. Yet, if nothing else, she has already proven that she would make an excellent horror movie villain. Whatever she does, one thing is for sure: People are bound to have nightmares from the look in her eye!

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