Clinton Body Count Updated With Fresh “Suicide” Added to the List 

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Have you ever heard of the infamous Clinton Body Count? If not, get ready – this is one tale that’ll become increasingly intriguing with every disturbing twist and shocking revelation. For many years, people have floated around the idea that those who cross Bill and Hillary Clinton often meet a suspiciously untimely demise. And now, just recently added to the list: another alleged ‘suicide’.

According to a newly released sheriff’s report, former President Bill Clinton’s special advisor Mark Middleton was found shot in the chest hanging from a tree in Perryville, Arkansas, in May. The Daily Mail reports now that the death was a suicide.

A judge previously blocked the details of the police report at the family’s request. It was feared that the photo would be too horrific for the public to view. In the end, the judge ruled that the report could be released without the photos.

According to The Daily Mail, “[t]he sheriff’s report into Mark Middleton’s mysterious death raises more questions than answers as he died by suicide, despite no evidence of the weapon used.”

According to Perry County Sheriff’s Deputy Jeremy Lawson, Middleton and his black BMW were found at the scene. A search of the vehicle turned up no weapon, but three boxes of buckshot and a gun case, according to Lawson.

The report described how Lawson observed that the victim had a gunshot wound to the chest and that an extension cord was tied around his neck and attached to the limb directly above him.

In addition to signing Epstein into the White House numerous times, Middleton also flew on his infamous private jet, “Lolita Express.” Reports indicate Middleton later settled in Arkansas to raise a family and work for his family’s HVAC business.

Over the years, a number of Clinton’s former associates have died unexpectedly, including former deputy White House counsel Vince Foster. It was ruled that he committed suicide in 1993, but conspiracy theories about the Clintons’ involvement abounded.

In 2016 I had the unique opportunity to interview the Clinton’s former Secret Service Officer Gary Byrne about his time in the White House where he personally interacted with Foster. I asked him about the alleged “suicide” and the “Clinton Death List”. Here’s what he had to say.

There are other deaths linked to the Clintons, such as Seth Rich, a Democratic National Committee staffer murder in 2016 for which no one has been charged.

For years, the idea of a ‘Clinton Body Count’ has been an ever-present rumor among the public; the concept that those who cross the Clintons are often subject to their wrath in mysterious, untimely ways. The recent death of Bill Clinton’s former advisor Mark Middleton is likely to be just one more name added to that list. Though initial reports suggested Middleton had been shot and found suspended from a tree, further investigations concluded his death was a suicide. This fact raises many questions about what really happened that day – if it was indeed suicide, what drove him to it? Could it have been something sinister linked with the Clintons? We may never know for sure, but if such a thing exists as a ‘Clinton Body Count’, this could just be another case of powerful people getting away with murder.

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