Joe Biden’s press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre was in for quite the shock recently when the cameras started rolling during an MSNBC interview. While the press secretary probably thought it would be an easy interview and would only get asked softball questions, she was left blindsided as the host threw everything but at her!
Chris Hayes, the host of MSNBC, held Karine Jean-Pierre’s feet to the fire this week.
Hayes grilled her about the rumor that President Joe Biden’s administration would detain families at the border again to assist in scaling back the border crisis ahead of the 2024 election.
It would have been easy for Jean-Pierre to crush the rumor there and then, but instead she danced around the issue.
Unsatisfied with her answer, Hayes pressed further on the issue. Still, she again avoided giving a straight answer to the question
Jean-Pierre was slammed for both her “word salad” and the substance of her answer.
Newsbusters news analyst Kevin Tober commented on Twitter, “I transcribed her answer and it’s a complete word salad.”

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy’ deputy spokesperson Chad Gilmartin added, “Not even the White House @PressSec can provide a clear defense of Biden’s indefensible open borders agenda.”

Conservative writer Doug Powers declared, “Emptier words have never been spoken by anybody not named Kamala Harris.”

Karine Jean-Pierre was definitely put on the spot when Chris Hayes didn’t pull his punches asking her about the rumor that Joe Biden will use detention of families as a solution at the border. Instead of being defensive, Jean-Pierre surprisingly deflected, leaving many questions still to be answered. Meanwhile, it’s no secret that this kind of push-back questioning is rare among interviews with members of the Biden administration – and it was refreshing to see KJP challenged on this level during the live TV interview.
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