Explosive Senate Hearing: Democrat Admits Truth About Border Walls!

With the nominee admitting to the effectiveness of border walls, it's clear that the Democratic party's stance on the topic is hypocritical.
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It seems like the Democrats keep flip-flopping on their stance regarding the effectiveness of border walls. While Republican leaders have been advocating for building a wall to stop the surge of illegal migrants from entering the US, the Biden administration and their supporters have remained firm on their opposition to it. However, during a Senate hearing, a Biden nominee accidentally admitted that border walls do work – but only when it comes to protecting another country from illegal immigration. It is no secret that the Democrats are failing miserably in handling the current border crisis. This raises the question: will they change their stance and finally admit that building a wall is necessary to protect the US from illegal immigration? Let’s dive in.

The Democratic Party’s continual refusal to address the surge of illegal migrants coming into the United States has left Republicans pushing even harder for border security measures, including a border wall. However, during a Senate hearing, a Democrat let it slip that border walls do work.

Republican Senator Bill Hagerty of Tennessee questioned Biden nominee Yael Lempert about the $150 million allocated to Jordan for border security in the fiscal year 2023 omnibus package. Sen. Hagerty noted that the funds were for physical security, to keep people from illegally entering Jordan, asking Lempert if that was correct.

To the surprise of many, Lempert agreed that border walls work, despite Democrats’ efforts to prevent them from being built along the U.S.-Mexico border. The funds allotted to Jordan were meant to provide physical security, prevent drug smugglers, and deter potential security threats from Jordan’s neighbor, Syria. Lempert also noted that this region was quite dangerous, emphasizing the importance of security measures.

Senator Hagerty followed up by asking if physical security along the Jordanian border was effective, and Lempert confirmed its effectiveness.

This acknowledgement of the effectiveness of border walls is a striking contrast to the sentiment of many high-profile Democrats, including President Biden, who declared during his campaign that there would not be “another foot of wall” built during his administration.

The Biden Administration’s refusal to address illegal immigration and the lack of a partisan solution to this nationwide issue is becoming increasingly problematic by the day. The issue is particularly concerning for states along the border, which have experienced significant rises in crime and drug-related activity as a result of the influx of illegal immigrants.

As the situation becomes more complex, Republicans are emphasizing the critical need for border security measures, including a border wall, to curb illegal immigration and prevent criminal activity. Even a Democrat was forced to recognize the value of physical security measures along borders, which provides support for the Republican position.

It appears that as the United States grapples with the issue of illegal immigration, the debate over border security measures, including a border wall, will continue. As Republicans push for stricter measures, such as funding to support law enforcement and movement towards more robust border security, the debate will only intensify

With the Biden nominee admitting to the effectiveness of border walls, it is clear that the Democratic party’s stance against building a wall is hypocritical and inconsistent. The surge of illegal migrants crossing the US border has become a huge problem, and the Biden administration has no clear solutions to address it. Despite condemning the Trump-era actions of building a wall, the Democrats should reconsider their position and realize that border walls are a necessary measure in ensuring national security and protecting the citizens of the United States.

The time for playing politics with border security is over. It is time to take action and finish building the wall. The American people deserve to feel secure in their homes and communities, without having to worry about the escalating dangers brought on by the surge of illegal immigration. With the recognition that physical security measures such as walls work, it is more important than ever to invest in border security measures and work towards a solution to this alarming crisis.

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