Shocking Discovery: Russian Investigators Expose a Secret US Biolab in Ukraine with Deadly Bird Flu Strains Killing Almost Half of Infected Humans!

Shocking Discovery: Russian Investigators Expose a Secret US Biolab in Ukraine with Deadly Bird Flu Strains Killing Almost Half of Infected Humans!
Shocking Discovery: Russian Investigators Expose a Secret US Biolab in Ukraine with Deadly Bird Flu Strains Killing Almost Half of Infected Humans!
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**In March 2022, Mitt Romney condemned Tulsi Gabbard for discussing US-funded biolabs in Ukraine. Now, Russia has presented alleged evidence of US involvement with lethal Avian Flu pathogens.**

Mitt Romney once accused Tulsi Gabbard of spreading ‘treasonous lies’ for mentioning the existence of US-funded biolabs in Ukraine. This was based on testimony from Victoria Nuland, Undersecretary of State for Political Affairs in Eurasia. The White House and mainstream media denied these claims as fake news propagated by Russia. Fast forward to June 2022, the Pentagon admitted the presence of 46 US-funded biolabs in Ukraine.

Recently, Russia claimed to have found evidence of US experimentation with Avian flu pathogens at a US biolab in Ukraine. The Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation is now examining US military and biological activities in Ukraine and globally. They discovered genetic material of highly pathogenic Avian influenza, Newcastle disease virus, and avuloviruses at the Reserve.

Documents seized from the Reserve’s veterinary laboratory support Russia’s claims, involving the Kharkov Institute of Veterinary Medicine and American projects aiming to assess the uncontrollable transmission of economically significant infections. The US Department of Defense, unrelated to bird migratory route research, commissioned these projects.

**In light of these findings, it is crucial to remember Romney’s dismissal of Gabbard’s concerns and the importance of scrutinizing US activities abroad.**


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