Shocking Truth Revealed: Top 10 Outrageous Anti-Military Comments Made By Liberal Journalists – You Won’t Believe #5!

Shocking Truth Revealed: Top 10 Outrageous Anti-Military Comments Made By Liberal Journalists - You Won't Believe #5!
Shocking Truth Revealed: Top 10 Outrageous Anti-Military Comments Made By Liberal Journalists - You Won't Believe #5!
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The media’s disdain for America’s military is glaringly out of touch with the values held by the majority of Americans. Recent Gallup polls show 64% of Americans have great confidence in the military, while only 16% view newspapers in the same light. Despite this support, left-wing journalists continue to disrespect our armed forces, undermining the sacrifices they make to keep our nation safe.

From MSNBC’s Chris Hayes criticizing the word “heroes” to describe our honored dead, to Washington Post’s Colman McCarthy questioning a parade’s gratitude towards American troops after the first Gulf War, the antagonistic attitude displayed by many in the media only serves to discredit their profession. It is apparent that those working within the journalistic sphere fail to appreciate the immense hardships soldiers face on the battlefield, such as battling Islamic terrorism.

Media-spread negativity surrounding the military is only providing a disservice to their own profession, as well as deliberately overlooking the importance of defending our nation from adversaries. While some journalists may continue to paint military personnel as “psychopaths” or “fighting tools of American imperialism,” they cannot deny the stark difference between their own beliefs and the values held by the American people.

A more balanced and fair approach toward the sacrifices made by our troops is not only necessary but long overdue. Journalists must take on this responsibility and properly represent the beliefs of the public, instead of continuing down a path marked by anti-military sentiments.


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