Massive Revelation: Kari Lake Exposes Maricopa County Employees Sabotaging Machines, Promises More Shocking Videos Soon!

Massive Revelation: Kari Lake Exposes Maricopa County Employees Sabotaging Machines, Promises More Shocking Videos Soon!
Massive Revelation: Kari Lake Exposes Maricopa County Employees Sabotaging Machines, Promises More Shocking Videos Soon!
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**Bold and exciting new evidence emerges in Kari Lake’s election lawsuit, as secret recordings catch Maricopa County officials rigging voting machines. Lake will not back down in her quest for justice, and this could just be the beginning.**

Kari Lake, former television news anchor turned political candidate, has been actively fighting against what she believes to be a stolen midterm election in Arizona. She recently appeared on Bannon’s War Room to share a critical update on her election lawsuit and expose the nefarious deeds of corrupt Maricopa County officials in rigging her election.

Despite evidence of fraud and tampering with signature verification, Judge Peter A. Thompson continues to rule in favor of the defendants. However, as The Gateway Pundit has reported, recent records show that Maricopa County began conducting secret Logic and Accuracy testing on voting machines after the required deadline. Not only does this stand as a smoking gun in Lake’s stolen election case, but according to her attorney Kurt Olsen, it demonstrates that the election was rigged.

Moreover, Judge Thompson dismissed claims of intentional tabulator failures on Election Day, disregarding video footage showing Maricopa County employees secretly reprogramming voting machines. These actions were carried out after the mandatory testing period, effectively causing nearly 60% of machines to fail when Republican voters went to cast their ballots on Election Day.

The damning footage, obtained and shared by Kari Lake, proves that Maricopa County officials tampered with the machines with no oversight or due process. She states in the interview, “They didn’t count on the fact that our side, the good guys, were actually recording this 24-hour footage to be used later, as in right now.”

Lake remains committed to her pursuit of justice and announces plans to appeal the judge’s decision. She fervently claims she will continue pushing her case all the way to the United States Supreme Court.

**Ultimately, Kari Lake’s determination and the mounting evidence against corrupt Maricopa County officials could be the turning point in securing honest elections. With more video footage poised for release, America’s eyes are fixed on this explosive case, and the pressure is building!**


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