Shocking Reveal: High School Debater, Coach, and Politicians Unite to Expose Cruel Injustice Faced by Conservatives in Woke Judges’ Hands!

Shocking Reveal: High School Debater, Coach, and Politicians Unite to Expose Cruel Injustice Faced by Conservatives in Woke Judges' Hands!
Shocking Reveal: High School Debater, Coach, and Politicians Unite to Expose Cruel Injustice Faced by Conservatives in Woke Judges' Hands!
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**Censorship in High School Debates Exposed**

A high school sophomore has exposed an alarming trend of censorship in debate competitions. Judges are silencing conservative students and hindering free speech, according to 15-year-old Briana Whatley, who shared her experiences with TheBlaze and Fox News.

In the world of high school debate competitions, it appears that not all ideas are considered equal. Briana Whatley, a passionate and gifted debater, revealed that she and other conservative students have experienced censorship in these competitions. Judges have stifled their views and stifled free speech, which severely undermines the integrity and purpose of debate itself.

Whatley told TheBlaze that during a tournament earlier this year, a judge even warned her not to mention former President Trump, as it was deemed “inappropriate.” Consequently, she had to self-censor her argument regarding Trump’s role in the Abraham Accords and President Biden’s foreign policy record.

But it doesn’t end there. Conservative ideas are seemingly never welcome in these debates, with Whatley noting that many students like her don’t feel welcome to argue conservative viewpoints. The questions presented are often one-sided, leaving no room for opposing arguments or critical examination of complex issues.

This troubling bias extends beyond just Whatley’s experiences. James Fishback, a former debater and judge, expressed similar concerns. Even some judges, like Lila Lavender, openly admitted their biases against right-wing viewpoints, refusing to even evaluate them during a competition.

The consequences of this discrimination are felt by many students who no longer find value in participating in these debates. Whatley, who once dreamed of attending the National Speech & Debate Association (NSDA) nationals, has decided not to attend any more NSDA tournaments. Instead, she will focus on non-affiliated organizations that permit open discussions and the expression of varying viewpoints.

This blatant disregard for free speech at high school debate competitions has sparked outrage from many public figures, including Rep. Ro Khanna (D-Calif.), Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), and Republican presidential contender Vivek Ramaswamy. All have condemned the NSDA’s disturbing practices.

**Urgent Call for Free Speech in Debates**

It’s high time for the debate community to address and rectify this ongoing issue. No longer can we allow the censorship of conservative voices and the denial of true debate. Free speech must be restored to high school debate competitions, ensuring that students of all viewpoints can engage in thoughtful discussion and critical examination of the issues at hand.


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