Is McCarthy’s Time Up? GOP Insider Drops Bombshell About Speaker’s Debt Ceiling Betrayal!

Is McCarthy's Time Up? GOP Insider Drops Bombshell About Speaker's Debt Ceiling Betrayal!
Is McCarthy's Time Up? GOP Insider Drops Bombshell About Speaker's Debt Ceiling Betrayal!
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House Speaker Kevin McCarthy faces backlash over alleged deal with President Biden

Conservative lawmakers have expressed their disillusionment with House Speaker Kevin McCarthy following what they believe was a deal made with President Joe Biden to end the debt ceiling crisis. This dissatisfaction may lead to actions aimed at removing McCarthy from his position as speaker.

The root of this contention lies in the historically unprecedented election of McCarthy as speaker, which involved 15 ballots and a power-sharing agreement with the House Freedom Caucus. McCarthy also had to agree to House rule changes and make promises regarding spending matters, including the crucial debt ceiling issue.

However, after an agreement was reached this past weekend to prevent default, McCarthy declared what appeared to be a victory, sparking speculation of a deal with the Democrats. This assertion has resonated with both conservative and moderate Republicans, who are now eyeing the possibility of removing McCarthy as speaker.

One prominent critic is Rep. Dan Bishop (R-N.C.), who vocalized that McCarthy’s removal is “inescapable” and “has to be done.” Despite this, Bishop says he would only move to oust McCarthy if supported by a majority of his colleagues.

Unfortunately for McCarthy, he is not only facing criticism from Bishop; Rep. Ken Buck (R-Colo.) voiced dissatisfaction on a private call with House Freedom Caucus members, saying that McCarthy had violated his promises to the caucus. Additionally, Rep. Chip Roy (R-Texas) accused McCarthy of betraying the power-sharing arrangement.

Reacting to the mounting criticism, Speaker McCarthy downplayed the accusations, expressing uncertainty about the concerns regarding the bill, and encouraging Republicans to support the


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