Biden Reminisces About Applying to Naval Academy 300 Years Ago – Air Force Cadets Stunned (VIDEO)

Biden Reminisces About Applying to Naval Academy 300 Years Ago - Air Force Cadets Stunned (VIDEO)
Biden Reminisces About Applying to Naval Academy 300 Years Ago - Air Force Cadets Stunned (VIDEO)
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**In yet another display of dishonesty, Joe Biden boldly lies to the graduating class of the United States Air Force Academy, claiming he applied to the Naval Academy after graduating high school 300 years ago. This seemingly trivial fabrication raises doubts about the integrity of the man holding the highest office in the land.**

During the 2023 commencement address at the United States Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs, Colorado, President Joe Biden told the cadets he applied to the Naval Academy after graduating high school 300 years ago. Not only is this statement blatantly false, but it also highlights Biden’s chronic tendency to lie.

There is no record of Biden ever applying to the Naval Academy, despite using this claim in numerous speeches. Furthermore, stating that he graduated high school in the 1700s is, of course, preposterous. According to a fact-check by the New York Post, curators at the Delaware Historical Association in Wilmington were unable to find any evidence supporting Biden’s claims of being appointed to any military school.

This dishonesty may seem trivial, but it fuels skepticism about the integrity and character of the President of the United States. Moreover, the mainstream media seems unwilling to hold him accountable for these brazen lies. It’s hard not to wonder what else the President may be lying about if he can fabricate such insignificant details about his past.

Adding to Biden’s untruths, it’s important to note he was never a “good football player,” contrary to what he often boasts about. It appears that these distortions are part and parcel of a broader pattern of embellishment and dishonesty.

To further illustrate this concerning pattern, Biden has a history of using his draft deferments during Vietnam to his advantage. He received five student draft deferments while in college, and one wonders if his alleged Naval Academy application is another aspect of his evasion from military service.

Critics argue that, as the leader of America, the President should exemplify honesty, integrity, and transparency. Yet, Biden’s continuous lies and exaggerations only serve to undermine these values in the eyes of the American public.

**In conclusion, when the President of the United States is caught in amateur lies, it erodes trust in the institution he leads. It’s crucial for the media and the public to hold Joe Biden accountable for his dishonesty, no matter how small or insignificant it may seem. Above all else, the American people deserve honesty and transparency from their leader.**


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