WAYNE ROOT EXCLUSIVE: Trump Poised to Secure Presidency with This One Idea, Prompting YouTube Ban & Deep State Panic!

WAYNE ROOT EXCLUSIVE: Trump Poised to Secure Presidency with This One Idea, Prompting YouTube Ban & Deep State Panic!
WAYNE ROOT EXCLUSIVE: Trump Poised to Secure Presidency with This One Idea, Prompting YouTube Ban & Deep State Panic!
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In a bold step to save America, it’s time to demand that politicians and government officials take periodic, random lie detector tests. This idea, which threatens the power structure of the entire US political system, has the potential to catapult President Trump back into the White House if adopted as a centerpiece of his campaign.

The importance of this idea stems from the belief that politicians and government officials have sold the American people out to foreign powers and big corporations. They are traitors, and the key to saving the country lies in uncovering their deception. The lie detector tests will reveal whether politicians receive bribes from China, the CCP, the Mexican Drug Cartels, multinational corporate interests, or Big Pharma, or whether they are being blackmailed.

Resistance from politicians is expected, as they will claim these tests are “unreliable.” However, if the results of lie detector tests are good enough to fire Navy Seals based on their top secret information sharing, they should be acceptable in revealing the truth about corrupt politicians and bureaucrats. Lying politicians and government officials should hear the iconic words of Donald Trump, “You’re fired!”

Key questions to ask during these lie detector tests include: whether politicians have ever received money from foreign payrolls; if they have offshore bank accounts or receive illegal campaign contributions from foreign interests; if they are on Big Pharma or vaccine manufacturer payrolls; or if they award government contracts to family and friends. Getting answers to these questions is vital to save America and fully align our politicians with the interests of the country and its citizens.

In conclusion, lie detector tests for politicians and government officials could uproot corruption, reveal traitorous acts, and allow President Trump to triumphantly return to the White House. It’s time for “we the people” to demand action, and bring about true change in our political landscape.


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