Furious Airline Passengers Confront Intoxicated Woman for Delaying Flight & Harassing Others (VIDEO)

Furious Airline Passengers Confront Intoxicated Woman for Delaying Flight & Harassing Others (VIDEO)
Furious Airline Passengers Confront Intoxicated Woman for Delaying Flight & Harassing Others (VIDEO)
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**Air travel turns sour as unruly passengers ignite chaos and delays**

Air travel continues to worsen as misbehaving and self-centered individuals bring havoc to flights. Just recently, a visibly intoxicated woman delayed a flight by her refusal to leave the plane after disturbing fellow passengers and airline staff.

Last Friday, a plane set to take off from a California airport to Las Vegas experienced an outrageous delay caused by a drunken woman. According to Amanda Grasham, a passenger onboard, the woman was evidently intoxicated and was already acting aggressively towards the staff even before she was asked to step out of the plane.

In a video that surfaced online, the disruptive passenger can be seen and heard yelling at others on the flight, even shouting in another passenger’s face when confronted about her behavior. When asked who she offended, responses of “Everyone!” erupted from the annoyed passengers.

Not backing down, the woman continued to defiantly refuse to leave the aircraft despite the multiple angry pleas from her fellow travelers. One passenger went as far as to stand up and scream, “You’re out your motherf**king mind!” just inches from her face. Another sternly warned her to sit down or face the possibility of being locked up.

The belligerent passenger eventually got what she deserved when three members of the airport police forcibly escorted her off the plane. It remains to be seen if she will face criminal charges for her appalling behavior.

**Unruly passengers should face the consequences for tarnishing the air travel experience for the rest of us.**


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