Unbelievable! Biden Triumphs Over All Odds, Annihilating Extremes in MASSIVE Debt Limit Showdown!

Unbelievable! Biden Triumphs Over All Odds, Annihilating Extremes in MASSIVE Debt Limit Showdown!
Unbelievable! Biden Triumphs Over All Odds, Annihilating Extremes in MASSIVE Debt Limit Showdown!
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**Joe Scarborough hails Biden’s debt-ceiling deal as a monumental, Reaganesque achievement, while brushing off Biden’s recent stumble. Critics argue that falls pose serious dangers for people of Biden’s advanced age and question his capability for another term.**

On Friday’s Morning Joe, Joe Scarborough praised President Joe Biden for the recent debt-ceiling deal with Kevin McCarthy, lauding the agreement as a significant and pivotal accomplishment only matched by Ronald Reagan. Instead of discussing Biden’s trip on the stairs, Scarborough spoke fondly of how Biden outperformed expectations from both his opponents and supporters. He noted that this demonstrated once again that experience matters and that there is no substitute for it.

However, not everyone views Biden’s recent fall as insignificant. Critics argue that falls pose a severe danger for people of Biden’s age and are associated with an increased risk of mortality. They question whether Biden’s health is up for another term as president, despite the recent deal that he managed to broker.

Kevin McCarthy’s role in obtaining the necessary votes to pass the debt-ceiling deal was relatively downplayed, with Scarborough only noting how he “stared down the extremists in his own caucus.” To make a point on Biden’s experience, Scarborough shared a story of seeing Neil Young in concert and the rock legend’s assertion that he has “done this before.” Scarborough then drew similarities to Biden, claiming that like Young, Biden knows what he is doing and has proven to be successful against the odds.

**While Scarborough and other liberal media outlets have downplayed Biden’s recent fall, there remain serious questions about the president’s health, with some calling into question his capability to serve another term in the White House. Only time will tell ifexperience can indeed overcome health and age concerns.**


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