Study Reveals Increased COVID-19 Infection Risk Linked to Numerous Vaccines

Study Reveals Increased COVID-19 Infection Risk Linked to Numerous Vaccines
Study Reveals Increased COVID-19 Infection Risk Linked to Numerous Vaccines
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**Groundbreaking Study Reveals Shocking COVID-19 Vaccine Risks: More Doses, Higher Infection Rates**

A recent study by Cleveland Clinic, one of the world’s top medical institutions, has uncovered startling revelations about the relationship between COVID-19 vaccines and infection risks. Surprisingly, the research indicates that individuals who receive a higher number of vaccine doses have a greater risk of contracting the virus.

This comprehensive study was conducted among Cleveland Clinic Health System employees at numerous facilities in Ohio. Taking advantage of early pandemic precautions that maintained a robust workforce, the research began on September 12, 2022 – the first day the bivalent vaccine was available to staff.

According to the peer-reviewed findings, “The higher the number of vaccines previously received, the higher the risk of contracting COVID-19.” Furthermore, when circulating virus strains weren’t present in the vaccines, such as XBB lineages, the vaccines’ effectiveness fell even more. In these cases, the study couldn’t establish a significant protective effect.

Although the increased risk of COVID-19 infection with more vaccine doses was unexpected, some potential explanations arose. More vaccinated individuals may naturally be at higher risk of contracting the virus. However, the study primarily involved young participants, and nearly half had received fewer than the three recommended vaccine doses. Despite this deviation from CDC guidelines, their risk for infection was lower than that of their counterparts with higher vaccination rates.

The Cleveland Clinic study isn’t the only one revealing connections between higher vaccine doses and increased COVID-19 risks. Other research conducted in Iceland and China has reached similar conclusions. Moreover, one study suggests immune imprinting and class switch toward noninflammatory spike-specific immunoglobulin G4 antibodies may be contributing factors in these results.

**Alarming COVID-19 Vaccine Risk Discovered: More Vaccines Could Heighten Infection Vulnerability**

In an era of continual vaccine booster campaigns, these studies offer a critical reminder that the relationship between vaccination and immunity remains complex. Both the Cleveland Clinic findings and other research highlight potential risks associated with excessive vaccinations, urging caution and questioning the wisdom of current global COVID-19 vaccination strategies.


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