Breaking: FBI Validates $5M Bribery Accusation Against Biden, Citing Trustworthy Informant

Breaking: FBI Validates $5M Bribery Accusation Against Biden, Citing Trustworthy Informant
Breaking: FBI Validates $5M Bribery Accusation Against Biden, Citing Trustworthy Informant
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In a shocking turn of events, the FBI has once again refused to hand over crucial documents tied to a bribery scheme involving the President himself. Oversight Chairman James Comer is not backing down, as he intends to hold the FBI accountable and unveil any criminal involvement by Joe Biden in this $5 million plot. The content of these records may have implications reaching far beyond the White House.

Over the weekend, FBI Director Chris Wray initially seemed to be willing to cooperate with Comer’s requests, agreeing to turn over the unclassified document detailing a $5 million criminal plot involving Joe Biden. However, the FBI has since backtracked and refused to hand over the record. Comer has reviewed the key document and asked the FBI to hand it over to the House Oversight Committee for a more thorough investigation into the Biden crime family.

The FBI has confirmed the unclassified document originates from a highly credible informant. Chairman Comer stated, “Today, FBI officials confirmed that the unclassified, FBI-generated record has not been disproven and stated several times the information contained within it is currently being used in an ongoing investigation. The confidential human source who provided information about then-Vice President Biden being involved in a criminal bribery scheme is a trusted, highly credible informant who has been used by the FBI for years.”

Comer is not letting this information be brushed under the rug. “These are facts and no amount of spin, and frankly lies, from the White House or Congressional Democrats can change this information,” he added. Comer also believes that there are multiple documents related to this case.

It is important to note that the relationship between the FBI and their informant goes back to the Obama administration, raising questions about how deep this


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