Landmark Poll Exposes Widespread American Demand to Abolish or Drastically Reform FBI

The FBI has repeatedly abused its power and targeted innocent Americans for political purposes, and it is clear that significant reform or abolition is necessary to prevent future abuses.
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In the wake of a damning report by special counsel John Durham regarding the Trump-Russia investigation and a series of recent Congressional hearings exposing FBI corruption, a majority of patriotic Americans are calling for significant reform or outright abolition of the agency. According to a recent online poll conducted by Issues & Insights/TechnoMetrica Institute of Policy and Politics, 63 percent of respondents want to see major changes to the FBI.

The most popular option, chosen by 39 percent of respondents, is for Congress to intervene and “reform the FBI to prevent its interference in future elections.” This is a crucial step to ensure that our democratic process is protected from undue FBI influence.

However, a significant portion of respondents, 24 percent, believe that the FBI should be shut down entirely and rebuilt from scratch. This extreme solution highlights the degree of mistrust and frustration among the American people with the deeply corrupt and politicized FBI.

Only 15 percent of respondents feel that the FBI should be “left alone” because it has supposedly “learned its lesson.” This is a naive and dangerous attitude when it comes to an agency that has been repeatedly exposed for targeting innocent Americans and engaging in illegal surveillance.

Moreover, a recent poll by Rasmussen Reports revealed that 60 percent of Americans believe the FBI helped bury President Biden’s involvement in a bribery scheme. This shocking revelation underscores the urgent need for Congress to take action and reform or abolish the corrupt FBI.

It is time for the American people to demand accountability and transparency from our law enforcement agencies. The FBI has repeatedly abused its power and targeted innocent Americans for political purposes, and it is clear that significant reform or abolition is necessary to prevent future abuses.

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