Trump Silences Irrelevant Hillary Clinton with Epic Takedown, Proving Her Irrelevance

President Donald Trump is once again proving that he is in control of the narrative, regardless of what his opponents may say.
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Former President Donald Trump is once again proving that he is in control of the narrative, regardless of what his opponents may say. In a recent appearance at the Georgia GOP state convention, President Trump made it clear that Hillary Clinton and her email scandal are a thing of the past. “You know I retired the word crooked from Hillary, ’cause Hillary doesn’t matter anymore,” Trump said to an audience of cheering supporters.

This comes only a day after Clinton tried to reignite interest in her failed campaign by pushing “But Her Emails” tacky merchandise. Onward Together, her political action organization, sells this merchandise leading up to the midterm elections, hoping to capture some of the momentum of the Republican party.

Clinton’s use of a private email server when she was Secretary of State was a hallmark of President Trump’s campaign for the presidency in 2016. However, after investigating the issue, the FBI decided not to charge Clinton. President Trump has not forgiven her for her actions and has repeatedly made mention of the scandal.

Meanwhile, last week, the leftist media and corrupt justice system made another feeble attempt to weaken President Trump’s leadership. A phony indictment against him was unsealed, alleging that Trump was “personally” involved in the transport of documents from the White House to his Mar-a-Lago home. But we all know this is just another witch hunt by the deep state and corrupt media to distract from the successes of the Trump administration.

Despite these attempts to bring him down, President Trump remains focused on making America great again. He continues to stand strong against the radical left and their attempts to tear down the foundations of our democracy. We are proud to have a president who puts America first and is not afraid to take on those who threaten our values.

As we approach the 2024 election, we must look to our leaders who will continue to fight for our country and its citizens. President Trump is leading the charge, and we must follow his example to keep America safe, prosperous, and free.

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