Stop scrolling! We have some breaking news! Anheuser-Busch, the beer titan, is experiencing an unprecedented sales freefall. Bud Light sales keep tumbling, dropping 3.7% from last week alone. The crisis began after an ill-advised promotional video sparked outrage and led to a nationwide boycott. Anheuser-Busch’s wider portfolio, including Busch and Stella Artois, report a similar alarming decline. But it’s not just Anheuser-Busch, as Target and Starbucks are also caught in the crossfire of misplaced cultural priorities that have contributed to financial losses. Target’s market cap tumbled over $15.7 billion because of a decision to move certain LGBTQ Pride displays, while Starbucks has reportedly taken down Pride decorations, and workers across 21 states allege that all Pride decorations were removed. Dive deeper and get the whole story at our website. Tap the link in our bio.