Shocking! Christie’s Savage Attack on Trump Backfires on Live TV!

Shocking! Christie's Savage Attack on Trump Backfires on Live TV!
Shocking! Christie's Savage Attack on Trump Backfires on Live TV!
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A televised buffet of debate left Republican Chris Christie struggling for a response to Fox News anchor Bill Hemmer’s Trump praises, which appeared unappetizing to the former Trump critic. Christie’s retorts to Hemmer’s sizzling compliments failed to convince, leaving a sour taste in the virtual room. Christie’s hostile appetite for critique was not limited to Trump but extended to Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump, who were accused of a “grift.” A verbal culinary exchange ensued, but Trumps’ response was compared to a gourmet dish compared to Christie’s undercooked narrative. As the 2024 election season simmers, Christie must reconsider his political palate.

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