Dem Congresswoman Plaskett Turns John Wick on Trump – No Joke!

Dem Congresswoman Plaskett Turns John Wick on Trump - No Joke!
Dem Congresswoman Plaskett Turns John Wick on Trump - No Joke!
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Now for the real news. Dem Congresswoman Stacey Plaskett just upped the game in ‘How Far Can You Go’ by suggesting ex-President Trump be shot, live on MSNBC! Can’t make this stuff up. Apparently, allegations of Trump mishandling classified documents turn Plaskett into Dirty Harry. Still, she graciously allowed that Trump will have his ‘day in court’. How considerate! She also spent her airtime smearing Republicans as propaganda peddlers. Pot, meet kettle. That’s all I’ve got. Get the rest, tap the link in our bio.

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