Shocking Revelation: The Clinton Campaign’s Deceit Unveiled – A Phony Russia Collusion Probe!

Shocking Revelation: The Clinton Campaign's Deceit Unveiled – A Phony Russia Collusion Probe!
Shocking Revelation: The Clinton Campaign's Deceit Unveiled – A Phony Russia Collusion Probe!
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Now for the real news: John Durham, Trump’s Special Counsel, is about to air the FBI’s dirty laundry. That’s right, folks, get ready to see the moose out of its cage. Durham’s explosive testimony will expose the false Trump-Russia collusion, highlighting how the Clinton campaign played everyone like a fiddle. Poor fiddles. Congressman Michael Turner’s message? People, you just got punk’d by your own government. The House Intelligence Committee must now scramble to fix the mess and restore trust in democracy, like Bob the Builder. Remember the discredited Steele Dossier? That’s the shaky foundation upon which the FBI built its Crossfire Hurricane investigation. The result? An undermined trust in our justice system and government. Let’s see what happens next, as Durham spills the beans in the House. And that’s all I’ve got. Get the rest, tap the link in our bio.

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