Librarians Deception Unveiled: Sinister Tactics to Keep Challenged Books Hidden from Public Scrutiny

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In a shocking revelation, a university speaker exposed the dark secrets behind library shelves. Learn how librarians are clandestinely hiding LGBTQ books from parents, sparking outrage across the nation. Find out the sinister tactics used to deceive communities and indoctrinate innocent children. Prepare to be appalled by their audacious methods!

In a disturbing conference recording reviewed exclusively by the Daily Caller News Foundation, Valerie Byrd Fort, an instructor at the University of South Carolina, disclosed a chilling strategy to conceal challenged books pertaining to gender identity, sexual orientation, and race from concerned parents and community members. Fort’s seminar, held at the “Banned Books and Censorship” conference organized by Library 2.0, provided explicit instructions to school and public librarians on how to handle LGBTQ content discreetly.

One of Fort’s alarming suggestions was to eliminate “identity” labels such as “LGBTQIA+” or “Gays Fiction” from books. She asserted that labeling books based on identity would make it too easy for parents and community members to identify and challenge these materials. Fort went further, urging librarians to make it effortless for those interested in such books while covertly hindering access for those who would question their content. Her proposal involved creating a physical list of LGBTQ books available only within the library, ensuring that students could browse it discreetly.

Additionally, Fort recommended that librarians compile a digital catalog of LGBTQ books accessible through a username and password system exclusively for library patrons or students. By restricting access to these resources, she sought to prevent concerned parents or community members from easily discovering the content their children might be exposed to within the library’s walls.

Disturbingly, Fort went as far as advising librarians to distribute “privacy covers” to students who check out books containing LGBTQ themes or potentially offensive subject matter. These covers would shield the books’ content from prying eyes, effectively aiding students in keeping their reading choices private. Fort claimed that these tactics would minimize book challenges, bans, and public scrutiny, protecting libraries and maintaining the status quo.

Nationwide, parents and community members are increasingly expressing their opposition to libraries housing sexually explicit and age-inappropriate material related to gender identity and sexual orientation. For instance, a Connecticut school district courted controversy by approving a picture book discussing transgenderism for second graders. Similarly, a Virginia town board restricted funds to a library after community members protested against sexually explicit books available in the children’s section. These incidents exemplify the growing frustration with libraries seemingly promoting ideologies that undermine traditional family values.

The Library 2.0 spokesperson, in response to the exposé, distanced the conference organizers from Fort’s statements, emphasizing that speakers’ views did not represent their position. However, they failed to address the concerns raised about the conference’s content selection process and the potential influence it may have on attendees. While the spokesperson claimed to neither endorse nor censor opinions expressed in conference sessions, the lack of transparency regarding the selection of speakers and topics remains questionable.

With the shocking revelation of librarians’ secret strategies to conceal LGBTQ books, it is clear that parental rights and community values are under attack. As parents revolt against libraries pushing explicit content on innocent minds, the battle for safeguarding our children’s innocence intensifies.

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