Cornel West’s Run: Trump’s Unexpected Ticket Back to Presidency?

Cornel West's Run: Trump's Unexpected Ticket Back to Presidency?
Cornel West's Run: Trump's Unexpected Ticket Back to Presidency?
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A twist in the 2024 presidential race may spell a Trump comeback. Kellyanne Conway, former Trump advisor, highlights Cornel West’s third-party candidacy as potentially beneficial to Trump’s odds. With Biden’s approval ratings in freefall and the Democrats’ vote under threat from West’s People’s Party, this could be a game-changer. West’s progressive agenda might sway liberal voters away from Biden, tipping the scales in Trump’s favor. Emerson College’s poll supports this, showing a 3% drop in Biden’s support with West’s entry. Additionally, Biden’s handling of key issues such as border security and the economy is meeting widespread disapproval, creating an opportunity for Trump. It seems the stage is set for an intriguing 2024 election.

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