Exposed: Biden’s Border Betrayal Unleashes Illegal Invasion in Texas

Exposed: Biden's Border Betrayal Unleashes Illegal Invasion in Texas
Exposed: Biden's Border Betrayal Unleashes Illegal Invasion in Texas
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Shocking footage is making waves across the nation, demonstrating just how deeply the Biden administration is sinking its claws into Texas’ border security. In the video, a Border Patrol agent, seemingly following orders, slices through razor wire intended to prevent illegal immigration. That’s right folks, your tax dollars are being used to facilitate illegal crossings on private property. Outrage doesn’t begin to cover it. Texans are rallying around Governor Abbott, who’s staunchly opposing these perilous federal actions. As law-abiding citizens watch their safety and property rights get trampled, one thing becomes clear: the Biden administration’s immigration policy is more about appeasing the open border advocates than protecting American citizens.

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