Henry Kissinger Pranked: Reveals Unexpected View on Nord Stream Sabotage

Henry Kissinger Pranked: Reveals Unexpected View on Nord Stream Sabotage
Henry Kissinger Pranked: Reveals Unexpected View on Nord Stream Sabotage
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Famed US statesman Henry Kissinger fell victim to a prank by Russian duo Vovan and Lexus, known for their elaborate jokes on influential figures. During an hour-long video call, the pair impersonated Ukrainian President Zelensky and steered the conversation towards the controversial Nord Stream pipeline sabotage. Kissinger unexpectedly suggested that he thought Ukraine could be the culprit, a comment that has provoked widespread discussion given the current tense US-Ukraine relations. His claim, however, contradicts reports by investigative journalist Seymour Hersh, who believes the US and Norway were involved, an assertion both nations deny. This audacious prank has added a surprising twist to the Nord Stream sabotage investigation and triggered significant debate over its potential diplomatic impact.

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