Unmasking Media Lies: The Truth Behind “Sound of Freedom

Unmasking Media Lies: The Truth Behind "Sound of Freedom
Unmasking Media Lies: The Truth Behind "Sound of Freedom
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The hit film “Sound of Freedom” has come under unfair scrutiny by left-leaning media outlets. Accusations linking the film to the QAnon movement are baseless and a distortion of the truth. “Sound of Freedom” tells the heroic story of Tim Ballard, a former government agent who rescued numerous children from sex traffickers in Colombia. The undeniable evidence of Ballard’s courageous efforts has saved lives and shattered the lies peddled by the left. Yet, outlets like Rolling Stone and The Guardian persist in their attempts to tarnish the film’s reputation. It is a disheartening display of their twisted agenda, prioritizing their narrative over the truth and the victims of child trafficking. The left’s desperate tactics won’t deter us from standing with Tim Ballard and exposing the horrors of child trafficking. The truth will prevail, and we won’t let the left bury it.

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