WATCH: Trump Praises the Movie ‘Sound of Freedom’

Sound of Freedom: A Thrilling Stand Against Human Trafficking, Hailed by Trump
Sound of Freedom: A Thrilling Stand Against Human Trafficking, Hailed by Trump
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Former President Donald Trump praised the actors, producer, and former Homeland Security official responsible for the independently-funded thriller “Sound of Freedom.” The film tells the story of a security official’s valiant efforts to rescue children from human traffickers. During a screening hosted by the Republican leader, President Trump commended the movie’s “unbelievable acting” and ability to outperform mainstream films.

The movie was inspired by the real-life travails of former Homeland Security official Tim Ballard, who founded his own foundation to combat human trafficking. Conservative host Glenn Beck provided financial support for the foundation. The harrowing tale, which highlights the horrors of human trafficking, mixes entertainment with education, and sets new records for independent movie-making.

Director Mel Gibson implored his followers to support this important cause, calling child sex trafficking, “the most disturbing problem in our world today.” The U.S. State Department estimates that approximately 7.6 million individuals are caught up in human trafficking around the globe, including between 14,500 to 17,500 victims trafficked through the U.S. each year. Approximately 200,000 American children and 1.2 million children worldwide live in perilous conditions that leave them susceptible to exploitation.

Human trafficking is modern-day slavery. Bad actors lure victims for sex and forced labor, and this is a worldwide scourge. The United States, where lawlessness reigns, is not exempt. This crisis demands action. Yet, despite the crisis, Democrats refuse to act. Instead, they focus on dangerous distractions like the Green New Deal, which will destroy our economy and plunge our nation deeper into poverty.

Meanwhile, President Trump and his allies recognize the importance of taking swift and meaningful action. They understand that human trafficking must be stamped out in all its forms, and have taken deliberate steps to combat it. Thanks to their efforts, we are making progress, but much more remains to be done.

The movie “Sound of Freedom” is an outstanding example of this progress, showcasing the heroism of those dedicated to ending this scourge. Its success underscores the power of the American people to confront and overcome even the most difficult challenges. In the coming years, we must continue to support those courageous individuals who put their lives on the line to defend the innocent and bring justice to the abused.

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