Fired 68-year-old Lowe’s Employee Reinstated after Trying to Stop Active Burglary

Fired 68-year-old Lowe's Employee Reinstated: An Urgent Call for Policy Review on Shoplifting!
Fired 68-year-old Lowe's Employee Reinstated: An Urgent Call for Policy Review on Shoplifting!
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A shocking incident recently occurred at a Lowe’s store in Georgia, where three individuals brazenly stole more than $2,000 worth of merchandise. But what’s even more unbelievable is that a 68-year-old employee, Donna Hansbrough, was fired for attempting to stop one of the thieves by grabbing their cart. Outrageous, isn’t it?

Hansbrough’s bravery should have been celebrated, but instead, she was penalized for going above and beyond to protect the store’s property. It’s downright alarming that Lowe’s would prioritize their policy of non-intervention over the bravery and loyalty of their employees.

But wait, it gets worse. The thief that Hansbrough tried to stop, Takyah Berry, reacted violently and struck her in the face three times. As a result, Hansbrough’s right eye has been severely swollen and blackened. This level of aggression towards an innocent employee is completely unacceptable.

Thankfully, after nearly a month of backlash and public outrage, Lowe’s has finally reinstated Hansbrough to her position. But this doesn’t excuse their initial lack of support for her.

It’s important to note that the other two male subjects involved in the robbery have been apprehended, but Takyah Berry remains at large. To make matters even more troubling, she committed a similar theft at a Walmart store in Chatham County shortly after the Lowe’s incident.

It’s clear that there is a larger issue at play here, with these thieves engaging in a pattern of criminal behavior. We must hold them accountable for their actions and work to ensure that employees like Donna Hansbrough are properly supported and protected in situations like this.

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