New EU Rules: Prep for Extra Steps, American Travelers

New EU Rules: Prep for Extra Steps, American Travelers
New EU Rules: Prep for Extra Steps, American Travelers
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American travelers planning to soak up the European sun in 2024 have a new hurdle to jump over. The European Union is introducing the European Travel Information and Authorisation System (ETIAS) application, which U.S. visitors will need to complete and pay for. At around $8, it’s not the cost that might put a damper on your plans, but the wealth of personal details required and the possible 30-day wait. And if you thought the ETIAS was your golden ticket, think again. Even with an approved application, a border guard can still deny your entry. The requirement encompasses 30 European countries, including vacation favorites like Spain, Greece, France, and Germany. As the requirement is set for January 2024, experts speculate possible delays. Oh, and heads up – CBS News travel editor Peter Greenberg hints at a similar U.S. visa charge in the works.

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