Ted Cruz’s 3-Word Response to Biden Admin’s ‘Guidelines’ on Drinking Alcohol

Cruz's Fiery Rebuff to Biden's Rumored Two-Beers-a-Week Limit Ignites National Controversy!
Cruz's Fiery Rebuff to Biden's Rumored Two-Beers-a-Week Limit Ignites National Controversy!
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Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) has blatantly condemned President Joe Biden’s ‘Alcohol Czar’ and the administration’s willingness to control every single aspect of Americans’ lives, including their alcohol consumption habits. Cruz has been left fuming with rage at the left’s incessant interference, saying, “Kiss my a**”.

During an appearance on Newsmax with host Eric Bolling, Cruz slammed the recent reports that suggested Americans limit themselves to two beers a week, calling it ‘nuts’ and prompting questions on why Biden even has an ‘Alcohol Czar’. Cruz believes that the United States does not need czars, particularly when it comes to dictating how many beers people can consume each week.

National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) director, George Koob, recently alluded to the fact that the US could follow Canada’s lead and recommend a two-beer-per-week limit if there were health benefits, since it could potentially reduce alcohol consumption. Koob further indicated something more alarming; he insinuated that alcohol consumption guidelines may sway towards Canada. This statement has caused Cruz to be up in arms, and he labelled any such attempt to dictate American drinking habits as ‘unacceptable’.

“Look, Eric, it is nuts. Number one, why does Biden have an alcohol czar? We don’t need czars in the United States,” Cruz vented. “Number two, what is it with liberals that want to control every d*** aspect of your life?” He criticised liberals for their constant need to regulate everything from gas stoves to ceiling fans, adding that people in Texas would not give up their ceiling fans no matter what.

Cruz made it clear that he would not stand for the left’s attempts to decide how many beers Americans should drink each week, given that it is a personal choice that should not be dictated by anyone. He further expressed his disdain for Biden’s administration for attempting to control such a personal aspect of Americans’ lives, terming it ‘idiotic.”

“And now these idiots have come out and said, ‘Drink two beers a week,’ that’s their guideline. I’ve gotta tell you, if they want us to drink two beers a week, frankly, they can kiss my a**,” concluded Cruz.

The left’s attempts to control Americans’ drinking habits have sparked fury in Senator Cruz and have not been well received by conservative circles, with many regarding it as an infringement on personal freedom. It remains to be seen whether the Biden administration will take heed of Cruz’s warnings and refrain from interfering in Americans’ personal lives.

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