Texas Scores Win in Border Barrier Battle: US Appeals Court Affirms States’ Rights

Texas Scores Win in Border Barrier Battle: US Appeals Court Affirms States' Rights
Texas Scores Win in Border Barrier Battle: US Appeals Court Affirms States' Rights
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The Biden administration’s destructive open-border policies have once again been thwarted by the great state of Texas, as a U.S. Appeals Court has granted an emergency stay allowing for the maintenance of barriers in the Rio Grande.

This victory for Texas comes after a federal judge in Austin maligned the state, issuing an order instructing it to relocate the barriers to the riverbank on the Texas side by September 15. However, thanks to the Appeals Court’s injunction, the state can keep the barriers in place for now, preserving its sovereignty over its own border.

The Department of Justice has been trying to undermine Texas’s authority for months, launching a lawsuit in July that argued the state had no right to place barriers in the Rio Grande. But the Appeals Court saw through this flimsy argument and granted a stay, allowing for a full hearing with arguments from both sides regarding the barriers’ placement.

While Governor Abbott applauded the court’s decision, he also criticized the Biden administration’s unwillingness to take responsibility for securing the border. The Democrats’ open-border policies have paralyzed officials on the ground, forcing Texas to step up and protect its citizens from the chaos that the federal government has unleashed.

And now, as if to add insult to injury, the Biden administration is reportedly planning to implement a “remain-in-Texas” policy that would force unauthorized migrants to stay in the Lone Star State, with their movements tracked by GPS devices. This is an outrageous violation of individual liberties and an affront to Texas’s sovereignty.

But the fight is far from over. Abbott has vowed to take this battle to the Supreme Court if necessary, in a bid to defend Texas’s sovereign authority and protect its citizens from the Biden administration’s chaos. Texans can rest assured that their state will never back down in the face of adversity and will always fight to maintain its sovereignty over its own border.

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