October 6, 2023



The Trump National Doral Miami, a luxurious golf resort owned by former President Donald Trump, has recently faced a brazen act of thievery. It wasn’t a mere act of impulse. In broad daylight, larcenists targeted the property, seizing a sizable haul of 30 generators.

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Trump’s Capitol Hill Trip Fuels Speaker Race Speculation

Trump’s Capitol Hill Trip Fuels Speaker Race Speculation

Good evening, I’m Gary Franchi. Today, the political world is buzzing with a name we all know too well, former President Donald Trump. As it stands, the GOP’s closed candidate House forum is scheduled for next Tuesday. They’re discussing potential nominees to replace Kevin McCarthy, and though Reps. Jim Jordan and Steve Scalise have shown interest, there’s a growing sentiment about the prospect of ‘Speaker Trump.’

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Trump Speaks Up Amidst 'Nuke Sirens' & USA Alert Rings

Trump Speaks Up Amidst ‘Nuke Sirens’ & USA Alert Rings

Tensions around the globe continue to escalate, with every news update sounding more ominous than the last. Imagine, if you will, a child’s day disrupted not by a school bell but by the cold, chilling wail of a nuclear siren. That’s the reality in Russia today.

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FBI's New Category Targets MAGA Movement

FBI’s New Category Targets MAGA Movement

Our republic’s freedoms are founded on the right to express political beliefs. Yet, recent developments suggest the FBI could be encroaching on these constitutional freedoms. Newsweek, in a recent article by well-known anti-war journalist William Arkin, detailed that a vast number of FBI investigations into “anti-government” activities target Trump supporters.

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