October 21, 2023

The countdown to WWIII and how Tucker Carlson plans to stop it

The countdown to WWIII and how Tucker Carlson plans to stop it

In a riveting episode of ‘Tucker on X,’ Tucker Carlson engages with GOP presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy on the precarious international stage. As tensions mount following Hamas’ attack on Israel, Ramaswamy presents an unconventional perspective on preventing WWIII, addressing criticisms and revealing a strategy that prioritizes American and global stability. This in-depth discussion delves into the necessity of clearly defined objectives in conflict response, the importance of national interest, and a daring proposal that could redefine global conflict management. Don’t miss Gary Franchi’s profound final thoughts on this pressing issue!

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Inside the Resignation Shaking Biden's White House Core

Inside the Resignation Shaking Biden’s White House Core

Breaking: A senior State Department official, Josh Paul, drops a bombshell resignation over President Biden’s arms support to Israel amid their conflict with Hamas. Why did he resign, and how does it reflect on the Biden administration’s foreign policy? Plus, an alarming breach as the White House exposes elite Delta Force members. This in-depth report uncovers the chaos within and the vital reasons every American needs to pay attention. Stay tuned till the end for a critical final thought you won’t want to miss!

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Breaking: Missiles Rain on US Navy! Here's what we know.

Breaking: Missiles Rain on US Navy! Here’s what we know.

Gary Franchi here with a breaking update from the high-stakes seas near Yemen. The USS Carney, amidst rising global tensions, courageously intercepted missiles aimed straight for them. Who’s behind this? And what does this mean for America’s standing in this powder keg of a region? You can’t afford to miss our special report and my final thought. It’s a wake-up call, folks!

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